Kids’ Snakes of Southern Africa
25 July 2018 – Received the advanced copies of my new book – Kids’ Snakes of Southern Africa and I am over the moon! The Struik Natural History Books team did a phenomenal job – my sincere thanks to Pippa Parker, Emily Donaldson, Dom Robson and Helen de Villiers. I did my first book through Struik about ten years back and have never looked back.
A variety of friends helped with proof reading, excellent photographs and illustrations while Ashley Kemp and Rob Deans did most of the proof reading. My good friend Luke Verburgt put a rude amount of effort into taking specific photographs for the book and you will see his excellent work on several pages.
My various Struik books have sold well over 100,000 copies and I have no doubt that this is another winner.
The book is dedicated to our good friend Adriaan Steyn who lost his life exactly one year ago.