Revision of the Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa
A few busy days in the Western Cape. I have spent several years working on a major revision of my best-selling book Complete Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa. The first edition was published in 1995 and the second in 2004 – 18 years ago. We have learnt a great about snakes in recent years and the book will have updated distribution maps, new line drawings by Luke Kemp, lots of new information about snake behaviour, biology, reproduction and a number of taxonomic al changes as well as new species.
The previous edition, believe it or not, did not have a single digital photograph! More than 95% of the photographs are new, many that I took but lots of excellent photographs supplied by 65 photographers.
At the same time we have learnt a great deal about Snakebite and snake venom and these sections have been updated with the latest available information. Sadly the publishers decided to omit an excellent chapter on the medical treatment of snakebite by Dr Colin Tilbury but I am already working on another book on Medically Important Snakes of Southern Africa. This will have detailed information on the medical treatment of bites from different snakes on humans and on pets.
I am in the process of proof reading final pages and the book goes off to China shortly for printing. I also have a team of proof readers here and in the USA helping me through this process. The new edition will be available in September.